Last weekend we recruted our family and friends to build a pond and that is exactly what they did. So thanks again to my hubby, son, Akyssa, Kevin, Joe and Zack. We will all have many fun times out there. Staring with the big party on Saturday!

We had to put a lot of river rock down because cannot grow grass there.

Stage one of the pond.

Our fire pit area, we use it all the time.

More pond.


Pretty driftwood that will hold a bird bath. That is unless the birds prefer the pond!

Another view of the fire pit area.

The metal piece you see was from some building in Boston in the back bay area.

Planted some new plants.

That is a Sago Palm we have several in our yard, but that is the largest. It is around 9 feet wide.

Looking like a real pond now, almost done. A few more plants and some more mulch..
What a great job, thanks everyone!!!